Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Tree

We spent last weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Hollenbeck.  When we got there Saturday morning, Grandma pulled out an Easter Tree for Parker to decorate.  Parker picked the concept up right away and was even able to un-twist the string loops to hang the "ornaments" on the tree herself!  Grandma had to show her how to just push them to the middle of the limb though.

Meanwhile Juliet learned how to climb stairs...

Daddy caught her. :)

And...all done!


Later in the weekend Grandma hid Parker's Easter present in the living room.  It didn't take her long to find it!

Both girls loved their presents and now Parker likes to take Bunny with her!

Cousin Lacey drove up for the weekend and got to meet the girls for the first time!  Both of them (but especially Parker) LOVED her!!

One of the upsides to ending nursing earlier than I would have liked is getting to partake in the wonderful Prickly Pear margaritas!!  Grandpa Hollenbeck has perfected his recipe even more since the last time I had one. :)

Juliet's pulling up and cruising now!  Just in time for Easter!  I can't wait to see her standing in her dress on Sunday. :)

Parker had fun playing phone games with Grandpa.

When she got tired she swore the wood box was a pillow.

On Sunday Parker went four wheeling with Daddy and Cousin Lacey!

This may be my favorite picture of her yet!!! It's hard to believe she's only two...  She looks so much older.

Sunday night we celebrated Daddy's birthday (a little late) with ICE CREAM CAKE!!  Do you think Parker enjoyed it?

Playing games with Sissy in the playpen.

Miss Jeannie should be proud!  Practicing her modeling.

On Monday night Darren and I headed to Austin for the Matchbox Twenty concert.  It's our second one this year and we're thinking about going a third time.  It's one of the best shows either of us have seen and we've been lucky enough to be 6th, then 4th row which makes it even better!

Kyle on guitar above

Rob taking a dance break.

I just love that one of the band members is nicknamed "Pookie" (below)

On the way home we were lucky enough to get to stop at my friend Carolyn's home for dinner.  She was one of my very best friends in high school but settled near Waco so we don't see each other very much anymore.  Her children are 4 months older than each of our girls though so it's really cute to see them play together.  Below is her beautiful daughter Emma Leigh with our little Parker Leigh!

And we tried several times to get a picture with all our girls.  This was possibly the best one we got.

And one more to add to our scrapbooks.

Looking forward to Easter weekend with my parents!!  It'll be a fun two weeks for the girls!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Catch up! - iPhone Dump :)

Here's a catch up post for what we've been up to lately, organized in iPhone pics.

Two weeks ago on Sunday we took the girls out to visit Aunt Christie at her new home in Fort Worth.  Darren took the opportunity to visit with his buddy Mike and Aunt Christie and I took the girls to the Fort Worth Zoo!

We had lunch at a cafe that backed up to the crocodile tank.  Parker still doesn't seem very scared...

After the zoo we met Darren at Chili's for dinner.  I just loved seeing Jules in the hat I got her at the zoo!

Feb 23 was Spring Spectacular.  Parker's second big show with CK!  I experimented putting her hair in curlers the night before.  She's a pro already!

She looked like an angel in her white tutu and pastel bows.

Circus on Parade!

Toes to head


She was so excited to receive her first trophy and ribbon!

Darren and I have been competing in the Crossfit Open the past two weeks.  Here's the best picture from 13.1 on his birthday!

This adorable outfit was a gift from Miss Jeannie!  Everyone loved it, including Parker.  She looked so cute in it at gymnastics that night.

Coach Matt was out sick so the substitute played a lot of games to help the kids get to know him.  In this one the foam pieces were their hats.

Even Juliet participates in playtime at the end of gymnastics.

This past Saturday Parker did a modeling show at Belk with her friend Berkley.  She had so much fun!

She's learning how to pose for the camera.

Juliet wanted in on the action too.  Here I am for my close up!

Juliet has mastered crawling and is on to pulling up.  She decided Daddy looked like a fun place to climb onto while he was foam rolling last night.

Daddy seeks his revenge.

Darren decided to re-do 13.2 today so we headed up to the gym after church.  Parker helped him warm up.

Parker decided she didn't need to do as many lunges as Daddy.

But the calf stretches looked useful.

The warm up ended with some weighted pull ups.

And Daddy cuddles.

After the workout Daddy was very happy to get a dive bomb hug from his baby girl!

Well, that's what we've been up to!  Til next time!