Thursday, April 18, 2013

Springtime is here!! (Let's hope it stays!)

The girls and I went down to my parents house this past Saturday to get some sunshine and let the puppies run.

Grandpa Bob showed Parker the new storage building he's constructing.

Juliet really enjoyed swinging!

Parker just LOVES her sister and is so happy that they can swing together now.

Hanging out on the front porch.
We found some great outdoor chairs for the girls at ALCO.  Juliet looks like such a big girl in hers!

And Parker is already learning how to be a supervisor.

Parker eats just like I did at her age.

She's also decided that we lay in the wagon when we go close the gate at night.

Darren was so happy to have his girls back when we got home.  He read them lots of stories.

If only Juliet would sit still to listen...

Can you tell we're teething right now?

Another wonderful weekend with our girls!

Monday, April 15, 2013

What's new around here?

Time for a picture dump!

Parker has really been enjoying the extra time at Crossfit during the Open.  We've spent every Friday night there the past couple of weeks and she's made a lot of friends!  Here she is with Ashton.

And hanging out in front of the box with Daddy and sissy watching the big kids play.

This might be her favorite outdoor activity there.  Since Mommy and Daddy put a stop to the crawling under cars idea... :P

Parker has also made big improvements at gymnastics.  I think she's realized that she's now one of the older girls in the class and she's started participating more in group activities.

She's also learning really well about waiting and sitting in line.

Juliet is learning to prop her feet up while she eats. :)

I bought this bunny chair second hand for Juliet around Christmas time.  She's finally ready to use it so we cleaned it up and set it in the Living Room.  Parker immediately realized there was something new and asked to have her picture taken on it.  She's learning to like the camera!  We may be creating a monster, but I'm enjoying her excitement to smile for the camera.

She's also cooperating more with getting her hair done.  She doesn't always want pigtails, but will let us put her hair back when eating either in a pony tail, headband or in this case, both!

Swinging on the rope with Coach Matt!  It's hard to believe that 4 months ago she would only push the rope to make it swing and now she jumps on and drops off all on her own!

Darren and I are also working on being more social.  His buddy Mike and his girlfriend came over last Saturday night and I attempted to make Pina Coladas after the kids went to sleep.  They ended up looking  more like drinkable mashed potatoes...

On Wednesday Darren didn't feel well, but was able to keep Juliet so for the first time in awhile Parker and I had a night to ourselves!  We decided we needed ice cream. :)

She's really coming out of her shell when she wants to.  Here she is performing on her "spot".

I brought the "duh" cap and "dead fish" that Gene (my tap mentor) used to use to mess with my Kickers class.  Parker ate it up!  

Love that beautiful face!  Until next time!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Happy Easter!

Happy Late Easter!  We've had a crazy couple of weeks including a visit to Grandma and Grandpa Hollenbeck (see last post), and Easter weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Singbusch!!

In Kiddie College recently Parker got to try on her recital costume!  I can't wait to see her perform on stage. :)

Easter weekend Aunt Christie picked the girls up Thursday morning to take them down to the Farm.  Darren and I stayed behind so that I could do Open WOD 13.4 at the box Friday night.  The girls had a lot of fun and Parker made a cute little bunny!

Saturday morning when we got there Grandma Laura decided to tape paper to her fingers so she could be a "monster" and "get" Mommy and Daddy.

On Friday Grandpa Singbusch lost his main rooster Tom Tom in a surprise attack.  Since the second in command rooster was supposed to go to the neighbor, he changed the plan and decided a third, younger rooster would be the one given away instead.  Darren volunteered to catch him.  Parker enjoyed saying "Hi" to the rooster.

Grandpa's goats also had a baby a few weeks ago.  It was a little girl named "Gidget".  Juliet LOVED playing with her.

Parker was interested in the baby chicks, but a little too nervous to hold one.

She enjoyed laying down in the wagon when we walked up to close the gate at night.

I had the girls make some cute footprint art for Easter.

And Parker wanted to make a flower basket for Grandma.  She actually put the flowers into Styrofoam all by herself!

We all went to church together Sunday morning, but not before a photo session!

When we got home from church we took some more pictures outside.  Juliet has developed the cutest little grumpy / pout-y face.

Not sure what they are looking for...

Then we hunted Easter eggs!  Parker did so well!

Juliet looked adorable in her bunny ears!

Parker filled two baskets!

Afterwards it was time for a dance party. :)

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter filled with celebration and family!